Dabwoods Disposable Full Gram Vape – King Louie OG

Dabwoods Disposable King Louie OG is a popular variety of cannabis known for its potent effects. The high from this strain is potent and long-lasting, making it a good choice for those who need help sleeping. Due to its calming effect, it is also useful to treat stress and anxiety of many types.

The King Louis strain is a powerful Indica-dominant cross of OG Kush and L.A. Confidential, with myrcene, limonene and caryophyllene as main terpenes, which offers a spicy, earthy, citrusy pine and hoppy flavor and smell. The King Louis cultivar is ideal for those who suffer from insomnia, pain and anxiety.
King Louie is a variety of indica dominance. It is also a potent strain, with the majority of tests qualifying the level of THC of the King Louie strain by over 20%.

Dabwoods For Sale Online

Whereabouts in king louie og, a potent and powerful Indica-dominant cross between OG Kush and L.A. Confidential that is full of spicy and earthy Dabwoods Mothers Milkking louie og cart will help you through whatever ails you while making you feel like royalty. Watermelon Zkittlez, also known as “Watermelon Skittles,” offers a beautiful fruity aroma. It’s a flavor profile that makes the mouth water to suck the fingers

The only thing for sure about this strain is its undisputed OG Kush heritage. Some think it’s an OG Kush and L.A. Confidential cross. Even the name depends on who you ask. It could be King Louie, King Louie XIII, or King Louis XIII, according to online sources. Regardless, its buds are large, sticky, and trichome-covered.

Top reported strain effects

  • Relaxed

  • Sleepy

  • Happy

Top reported strain flavors

  • Citrus

  • Earthy

  • Mango



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