Dabwoods Disposable Full Gram Vape – GSC

Dabwoods Disposable GSC is one of the most popular strains of cannabis on the market. People love it for its high THC content and its unique flavor. However, some people don’t like Dabwoods GSC. They say that it’s too strong and that it gives them anxiety. Others have also noted that it’s hard to find and overpriced.

Overall, the majority of people who have tried Dabwoods GSC seem to like it. It’s a potent strain that is perfect for those who want a solid high. It has a unique flavor many people enjoy and is not hard to find. However, it is expensive, so keep that in mind if you’re on a budget. If you’re looking for a muscular strain of cannabis with a unique flavor, then GSC is a good choice. Just be aware that it’s expensive and might give you anxiety.

About this strain: GSC

GSC, which was originally known as the Girl Scout Cookies strain, was first bred by Northern California’s Cookie Family sometime about 2012. A Sativa-leaning hybrid cross between a cutting of OG Kush and the breeder’s own F1 Durban Poison strain, GSC produces a plant with multiple branches and a powerful flower.

The strain has a short stature that is common on strains with Indica lineage and is known for its tight internodal structure, which creates its iconic spear-shaped flowers with lavender calyxes. The most popular phenotype produced by the first batch of GSC seeds was Thin Mints.

GSC has taken home several High Times Cannabis Cup awards since it was first propagated — including a first-place trophy for Best Hybrid at the 2013 Southern California Cannabis Cup.


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